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Heat Networks: Cost, Carbon, Compliance – Register now for our event Explore the challenges and opportunities of improving heat network performance to support residents

Switch 2 Conf. 2023 Website Banner

With the current turbulence caused by economic hardship, spiralling energy costs and ambitious net zero targets, the UK heat network sector finds itself in period of great uncertainty. Housing
associations, local authorities, and private developers, need expert knowledge and specialist support to guide them through these challenging times.

This event will focus on the themes of cost, carbon, and compliance; three main areas which are directly impacting the heat network industry and need to be addressed.

Date: Thursday 19th January 2023
Time: 9.30am – 3pm
Venue: 15 Hatfields, London, SE1 8DJ

Agenda for the day:

9.30am Registration and networking
10am  Keynote speech
10:15am Session 1 - Prioritising heat network performance - Why you need a strategic approach to operation and maintenance
11:15am Networking and refreshments
11:30am Session 2 - Panel discussion – What are the barriers to improving heat network performance, and how do we break them down?
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Session 3 - Round table discussion – What does meaningful resident communications look like on heat networks?
3:00pm Drinks reception and networking


Book your place now by completing the form.

This event is suitable for housing associations, local authorities and private developers who manage, or are looking to manage, heat networks as part of their portfolio.